The BEST Protein for WOMEN on SALE!!

Right now Ideal Fit is doing a big sale 30% off there protein powder! It is $34.99 for 30 servings. Regularly $49.99. If you are in need of a good Protein and Pre-Work out you really need to get Ideal fit! It is designed for WOMEN!! You guys there protein has 0 carbs and 0 fats and 20 gGRAMS of Protein per serving and only 80 calories!! It also taste SOOOO good!. I am not kidding it really is yummy! I have 2 flavors, the Vanilla I use for shakes and baking. The Chocolate brownie is awesome as well I used that mostly just with water. They have 2 new flavors i am dying to try! Cake batter if you know me you know i am obsessed with cake 🙂 Then they also just came out with a Pina Colada. Also there Pre-Workout is awesome! It is 0 Calories and 0 sugar! I have only been taking a half scoop before my work out and it is perfect for me! I honestly love both flavors you really can’t go wrong with either of them. GET THEM HERE Ideal Fit P

My amazing GORGEOUS friend Nicole is the Mommy Trainer for Ideal fit. She is the cutest mommy to 3 of the most adorable boys. You guys you need to follower her. She post awesome work outs and amazing recipes for eating healthy. She also offer a 15 day Mommy Fit Challenge for FREE! If you need something to get you started on working out or eating healthy she will help you! Sign up here! This program is amazing for pregnant, nursing and post baby mommas as well! Follow HER HERE for Instagram  Follow HER HERE for Facebook

(I am no way affiliated with Ideal Fit so this is my honest option about them)

So to get the best deal stock up for your self on the protein. I swear you will not be disappointed. Also if you are local they are based out of American Fork Utah you can save on shipping and go in and buy it!



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